Saturday, 27 May 2017

Similarities Between Earth's & Other Solar Systems

The milky way is full of stars. Some estimates suggest there are around 200 billion stars alone in a milky way. The solar system is incredibly diverse regarding the planet composition. For example, the Mercury number of moons is zero. The Zero Mercury number of moons is because of its proximity to Sun. The diameter of Jupiter compared to Earth is a lot bigger, fitting in 1300 such planets. Similarly, Jupiter compared to Earth is a lot larger with a diameter of 88,695 miles.
distance between Earth and Moon

Moon and Earth 

There are many interesting facts about Moon and Earth. The distance between Earth and Moon is 384,400 kilometers. A moon’s phase lasts for a month. The lunar calendar follows the lunar cycle. The radius of moon is around 1,079 miles. The distance between Earth and Moon keeps on changing with each lunar cycle. The life on moon can become possible because it supports different requirements. Scientists say that life on the moon can be observed from the South Pole.

Mars and Earth

The planet next to Earth in the Solar System is Mars. Gravity on Mars is 3.711 meters per second square. The Gravity on Mars is almost one-third of that on Earth. The name Mars comes from a War God of Romans. Earth and Mars are very similar regarding landmass. Mar is a tough planet to land. Out of 39 total missions, only 16 became successful.
Solar System Near Earth

Solar System Near Earth 

Alpha Centauri is the closest to our Solar System. It is around 4.37 light years again from the Sun. There are three stars in Alpha Centauri including Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Rigil Kentaurus. From a distance Alpha Centauri, it looks like a single star. In fact, they are two stars. The two other stars brighter than Centauri include Canopus and Sirius. Alpha Centauri has multiple stars in it. Like the Solar System, it has two Stars at its center. Similarly, there is existence of gravitational force keeping it together. These two Stars at the center make it a lot more similar to how our Solar System works.

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