Thursday, 16 March 2017

Industrial Robots Machines Replace Humans

The discussion of robots vs. humans is always on. The day is not far when machines replace humans without any problem. When machines replace humans, it is usually a bad thing for the workforce. For example, in the industrialized West, more jobs are lost to technology than outsourcing. International trade, according to some estimates has resulted in jobs going to China and Mexico. In this fierce competition between robots vs. humans, the bots are winning it so far.
Robots Replace Humans

Robots Replace Humans in underdeveloped countries

Machines replace humans because they are more productive and have no emotions. The problem of people getting unemployed due to bots will become prevalent. The underdeveloped countries or the third world countries will see the adverse effects of robots taking over industries. A UN report recently shed light on bots are going to take over humans. Most of these jobs involve a minimal level of skill in which laborers do repetitive tasks without much use of human intelligence. According to a UN report, Robots May Replace Humans.

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