Thursday, 16 March 2017

Industrial Robots Machines Replace Humans

The discussion of robots vs. humans is always on. The day is not far when machines replace humans without any problem. When machines replace humans, it is usually a bad thing for the workforce. For example, in the industrialized West, more jobs are lost to technology than outsourcing. International...

Driverless Cars Are Finally Ready to Launch

The craze of driverless cars in 2017 is only getting crazier. If you think, only a single company’s autonomous car is going to get out there, think again. Some 27 companies are testing and perfecting self-driving cars technology. These cars are not driver less yet. California state laws need these...

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Nasa Scientists Discover Double-Star Planet Systems

For quite a long time it has been a standout amongst the most vexing puzzles for humankind: would we say we are, the seven billion occupants of this wondrous blue planet truly alone, or is there life in the distance in the universe? Recently, we came a stage nearer to noting that enticing inquiry with...

Friday, 3 March 2017

Nokia 3310 Relaunch and New features

The re-discharged Nokia 3310 was a standout amongst the most mainstream dispatches of MWC 2017, and in case you're eager to see the arrival of the component telephone regardless you have several months to hold up. Online UK retailer Clove has said the telephone is normal in May, which means we're probably...

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Dubai launch self flying drone taxi service soon

Dubai's Roads and Transportation Authority reported yesterday that it tried a self-governing automaton equipped for conveying travelers far over the city's notorious congested driving conditions. The RTA held the exhibition at a three-day summit of pioneers called the World Government Summit. The expectation...

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

iPhone 8 rumours, news about Apple's 2017

The iPhone 7 was just discharged in September, yet with the most recent model including just iterative redesigns, numerous Apple fans are as of now looking ahead to the iPhone 8. 2017 imprints the tenth commemoration of the iPhone , which was initially reported by Steve Jobs on 9 January 2007, and...